5 Tips to live a happy life
Five tips to live a simple but happy marriage
What is marriage?
According to Wikipedia:
Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognized union between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between those spouses, as well as between them and any resulting biological or adopted children and affinity (in-laws and other family through marriage).
Are you already married or getting ready for marriage, here a the top five tips to live a happy marriage with your spouse.
1. Make couple time, especially when children enter the picture, doctor love says. Marriages can benefit greatly from occasionally leaving the kids with the grandparents for the weekend.
2. Be an optimist. It’s simple, but if you think positively about your marriage, your marriage will often be positive. Don't think of dirty habits about your spouse. Just be positive and supportive.
3. Create a world that the two of you share. Every couple should have things they do together that they both enjoy, even if it’s just going to the movies. “We like each others jobs, and we like each others friends,” wish to say such words after 30 years of marriage.
4. Prepare for temptation. It’s possible to train yourself not to cheat, according to Parker-Pope. When an illicit urge pops up — as you’re talking with a flirty stranger in a bar, for example — fill your head with a particularly warm memory of your partner and consider what you stand to lose.
5. You don’t have to like every quality your partner has. You do have to decide whether you can live with those qualities, says Loren Gel berg-Goff, a longtime marriage and couples counselor. You won’t be able to change them.
Bonus. Don’t agree to anything if you don’t mean it. “Don’t promise to put $1000 into a savings account every week if you don’t intend to do it,” Gel berg-Goff says. “It will only create more anger and resentment.” In other words, don’t just say “yes” to avoid conflict.
So pals, you want to live a happy marriage follow the top five tips listed above and please don't forget to share.
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